Control citrus leafminer ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) easily using the eco-CLM trap. The trap attracts male citrus leafminer adults and prevents them from mating with females. Fewer pregnant females means greater protection for your citrus trees.
The eco-CLM trap consists of a rubber plug impregnated with a pheromone and a sticky paper trap. Simply open the trap, throw the plug inside (it will stick) and hang in your tree. For small trees use one trap. For larger trees you’ll need 2 traps.
Female citrus leafminers only lay eggs on flushes of new growth so hang the trap when new growth commences. Replace every 8-12 weeks or sooner if the sticky trap is full.
NOTE: For severe outbreaks combine with eco-oil or eco-neem for even greater protection against citrus leafminers.
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