You are what you eat, or should it be you are what you ate? Either way I think this is a good motto to live by to stay healthy and happy. I know I would rather be fresh, vibrant and healthy bowl of homegrown salad that’s had the sun on its face, opposed to an overly processed meal that’s been stuffed into a package and sat in the back of multiple trucks over the course of several months, that wouldn’t feel good!
I urge you to get experimental with your salads and just see what greens, herbs and edible weeds you can find outside and work with that. Eating a wide variety of plants has proven health benefits and when you transition from eating from the shops to eating from the backyard a world of variety really opens up.
For the salad
Mustard greens or rocket
Finely sliced cabbage or broccoli leaves
Finely sliced Swiss chard or spinach
Herbs such as parsley and perennial basil
Edible weeds such as Sorrel, chickweed and purslane
Edible flowers such as nasturtium, brassica flowers
Grated carrot or beetroot
Pomegranate jewels if available
*Use any combination of the above depending on what is growing outside
Roasted sweet potato or pumpkin
Cooked or canned chickpeas
Toasted nuts- Pecan, walnut or almonds work
Goats cheese, feta or haloumi
For the dressing
1 tablespoon Wholegrain Mustard
1 tablespoon Honey
1 clove Garlic (peeled and crushed)
Juice of one lemon
1 tablespoons Cider Vinegar
6 tablespoons olive oil or hemp oil for a nutty taste
Salt And Pepper
Whisk the dressing together, if you find the shredded brassica leaves such as broccoli leaves a bit tough to eat raw toss them in the dressing and let them sit in the fridge for a few hours, the acidity of the lemon juice really helps them soften, when you are ready to eat combine the rest of the salad and dressing and enjoy!
The dressing recipe makes up enough to dress a large 4 portion bowl of salad.
Edible gardening specialists and one stop shop for heirloom seeds suited especially for Western Australia conditions and sustainable living needs.
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